
Kim Andrews

Oil Paintings | Leather Art

Kim enjoys painting with water soluble oil paints. These are real oil paints with a bonus of cleanup with soap and water. She enjoys the smooth texture of oil paints that allow her to sculpt and move the paint as she likes. Kim does both studio and ‘plein air’. Kim is enjoying the Plein Air experience and the challenges of outdoor painting. She prefers landscapes, horses, & cattle in her paintings.

Kim has a gift of creating colorful oil works of places and ranch life that have captured her heart. Kim also loves to paint horses and pet portraits — painting lasting memories in oil by bringing the animal’s personality to the canvas. She also does leather art – Embossing and sculpting leather into a 3D effect. Kim’s other leather work includes refurbishing saddles and creating custom billfolds, cold can kozy, chinks, Bible covers and more. She operates Mountain Magic Ranch LLC, a local equine boarding business, and Horsemanship education center.

To contact Kim Andrews, call 970-613-0121 (Loveland, CO) or visit for more information

Examples of Kim’s Art: